Kauai Organic Gardening Class

Lisa and Sun work the land by hand. Daniel Lane photo
Lisa Fuller and her husband Sun operate a bio-intensive farm called Kimu Aina and market organic produce under the name One Song Farm. The couple share 35-years of experience when it comes to growing organic food in the Islands. I will always remember my first interview with them.
“Are you really an organic farmer?” I asked skeptically, looking at rows of perfect produce. “One sign of organic produce is holes in the leaves. You’re produce has no holes!”
A slow smile spread across Sun’s face as he said, “When you have a banquet in the soil, bugs don’t eat the plants.”
Sun is sharing this knowledge with the University of Hawaii in hopes to encourage gardeners and farmers to give up pesticides and grow organically.
On Sunday, May 27 from 9 to 1 p.m., the couple will teach “Secrets of Success” and organic farming and gardening class. Lisa will share bio-intensive farming techniques and Sun will discuss unique challenges when growing food on Kauai. The workshop includes a tour of their “fedge” (food hedge). The class is $36 per person. For reservations, call 635-3020.