6,740 Demand Senate Rescind Monsanto Lobbyist Appointment
Hawaii State Senate President Donna Mercado Kim appointed Alan Takemoto, the Monsanto lobbyist, to be on the nominating committee which picks the candidates for our water commission. Monsanto is a controversial company that is using our islands as a testing ground for its new pesticides and GMO science experiments—because we’re in the middle of the Pacific ocean in case something goes terribly wrong. Tasting Kauai wants Sen. Kim, to rescind his appointment of Monsanto lobbyist Alan Takemoto, and appoint someone who has the best interests of the Hawaii citizens as his priority. On Thursday at 3 p.m., organizers will deliver a petition asking Senate President Donna Mercado Kim to rescind her appointment of Monsanto Lobbyist, Alan Takemoto, to the Water Commission nominating committee. The appointment of an employee of the controversial Monsanto corporation angered organizers who point out that Monsanto…
February 26, 2013