Tasting Kauai is Sold to Addison Bulosan

Addison Bulosan is the new owner of Tasting Kauai.
Dear fans of Tasting Kauai. This is the last blog post I’ll make.
Last September, when Dan and I went to visit my 88-year-old parents in Colorado, mom said she wanted to tour retirement communities. She said the house her and dad were living in for 47 years was was finally too much. She needed a smaller place. When their favorite complex had an opening in October, we moved back three weeks later. We got them settled into a two bedroom apartment in the independent living section. We visit them every Saturday and help them run errands, fix things in the apartment, make phone calls to credit card companies on their behalf, and go out to lunch.
Being so far away from Kauai made it tricky to be responsive when the floods devastated the north shore, or when the lava started adding hundreds of acres to the landmass of the Big Island. Tourism dwindled and our guide quit to help his family on the Big Island. If we were on Kauai, we could have run the tours ourselves. Instead, we had to cancel tour dates. If we were on Kauai, I could write to you about the new restaurants opening.
We love what we created and we wonted it to live on; continue to contribute to Kauai’s economy by supporting people who make good food. I was thrilled when Addison Bulosan bought the company. He is a chiropractor who owns The Specific Chiropractic Lihue. Addison has supported Tasting Kauai for many years. He’s a foodie and when I lived there, he and I would meet once a month for lunch at a new restaurant. He is kind and he laughs easily and he is from Kauai. He has promoted our guide Katherine, to manager. I know the two of them will make Tasting Kauai even better, and we are in daily contact with Addison, answering questions and helping him move into ownership. He has said many times that he plans to perpetuate the original spirit of Tasting Kauai and our legacy. I trust him and I am grateful he is nurturing our baby into adulthood. Tasting Kauai will remain a trusted source when you want to know about good food on Kauai.
Thank you for your support over the years. Your emails and smiles light up my memory. It warms my heart to know we had a positive, and many times deeply memorable, impact on your stay. We know it’s a long ride to get to Kauai and we know that ride isn’t cheap. We wanted to give you the most authentic experience for your money. We also know it’s expensive to live on that beautiful island, and we wanted to create something that gave back to it. I’m happy to know that circle still flows.
If you’d like to keep in touch, friend us on Facebook, or email us at 2-headed-lane-monster@comcast.net. We chose that name in honor of our former editor at MidWeek Kauai, who gave us that nickname when he spoke about the combination of my words and Dan’s pictures. We are in Colorado now, but Dan is still a commercial photographer and I write about restaurants for The Denver Post.
Mahalo for all the great times!
Marta and Daniel Lane