Waipa Music Festival

Local musicians at Waipa’s Kalo Festival will return this April. Daniel Lane photo
The Waipa Foundation invites you to their first ever Music Festival on Saturday, April 13th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“E komo mai!” Says event coordinator Kalen Kelekoma. “Join us for the day at Waipa’s beautiful Halulu Fishpond, along Hanalei Bay. A fun and relaxing afternoon while enjoying home grown live music, educational displays and demonstrations, hands-on activities, arts and crafts and, of course, amazing food from local chefs.
“Admission just $10 for adults and $1.00 for keiki 14 and under. This event is for construction of the Waipa Community Kitchen, Poi Mill & Hale Imu. The Waipa Foundation is a living learning center focused on taking care of our natural resources, practicing Hawaiian culture and values, and inspiring healthy keiki and community. A hui hou. See you there!”